Monday, August 10, 2009

More Beauties

Some golfing buddies of my husband gave us a bush two years or so ago called Bridal Wreath. I'm not a gardener and had never heard of it. We planted it out back by the pool in a corner and it just stayed green, I think, the first year. Then it bloomed the next year with these beautiful white blooms all over. If I remember right, it only bloomed during the spring.

Well, last week I was just outside taking photos of all the pretty flowers around and I thought I saw a bloom on this bush and here it is August! As I looked closer, I found about three blooms so I just had to get a photo.

Isn't it beautiful? Does look like a bride, doesn't it? And I don't know why it's blooming now but I sure did enjoy it while it lasted. Thank you Raymond and Shirley. :-)

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