Today after church, my husband and I went to visit the family of one of my friends, Linda. We got there a few minutes before visiting and no one was there in the waiting area so we waited to see them. When Linda's family got there, I asked her youngest daughter if she thought they could "sneak" me in to see her and she said yes. She is in a cardiac intensive care unit right now. So I got to see her! I got the impression from looking at her face and eyes that she was happy to see me and I was SO happy to see her. You know, you can't have flowers in intensive care and Linda loves flowers so, Linda, these flowers are for you today. I love you and your family and pray that God will take care of all of you.
Considering all that she has been through, I thought she looked really good. And I just have this feeling that she is going to make it through all this. It might take a long time but she is a very determined person and has a lot of people praying for her. I am a big Auburn fan but I even gave her a big Roll Tide Roll today and it made her laugh, which was so good to see! I am so thankful that I got to see her.
No doubt your visit brought her love, friendship, strength, courage and the desire to live many, many more moments with you and family for days to come! Kindness makes the world go round. :)